program content

Workshops & Seminars

Summer School – 4 days

Mastering the Path: Crafting Your Inclusive Education Thesis Topic and Internship & Career guidance training
Loraine, Neuchâtel or Milan on an annual rotation basis.

Provisional program:

  • First day – presentation of student’s master’s thesis projects that have been developed during the RPIL: 10min per students with poster or ppt, 15min collective discussion with teachers, associated partners and students.
  • Second day – seminars about methodology to link master thesis to internship carried by MISEI teaching staff and associated partners: aims of the master thesis and aims of the internship, manage cases study, student as medium between academic supervisor and internship partner.
  • Third day – face to face sessions between students, academic supervisors and internship partners
  • Fourth day – the multidisciplinary approach: particular attention will be paid to the multi-disciplinary approach, which is now emphasized as an imperative when dealing with profoundly multi-dimensional issues such as the societal questions posed by inclusive education (European Research Council). To this end, a full day will be led by one of the most important specialists on links between social and genetic factors in explaining success and failure at school:

Melinda Mills, Professor at Oxford University

The summer school is organized by all MISEI consortium partners and associated partners (4 days). The aim is to enable Master’s students to understand how to develop a Master’s thesis that straddles academic and non-academic environments, and to open up paths to the job market. The main objective is to help students make the link between the master’s thesis and the internship.

During the summer school there will also be two half-days on soft skills organized in hybrid mode by the career guidance services of UCSC and Unine:

  • How to set up your business (UCSC)
  • Inclusion-related job positions in international organizations (Unine)

The Summer school also includes recreational activities, and students will have the opportunity to share lunch and dinner with the teaching team included the fourth day with professor Mills.

Seminars Types

The semester program may be subject to changes by September 2025.